Wills + Trusts can make the grieving process so much smoother for loved ones left earth bound after a passing. A death can make or break a family. More often than not it’s what’s left behind ($$) and that can cause a whole fiery hell. Katie, a…
![Candace Dalton: The Healing Grace Podcast](https://candacedalton.com//wp-content/uploads/2020/12/h-frame.png)
The Healing Grace Podcast
Candace Dalton is a Medium from Boston, MA living in Los Angeles, CA who helps bring grief relief to thousands with her ‘dead on’ messages and validations from the After Life. Healing Grace is all about finding purpose on the Earth Journey and embracing what’s beyond this life.
Subscribe now!
![iHeart Radio](https://candacedalton.com//wp-content/uploads/2020/12/iheart.png)
![Apple Podcast](https://candacedalton.com//wp-content/uploads/2020/12/apple-podcast.png)
Apple Podcast
![The Healing Grace Podcast](https://candacedalton.com//wp-content/uploads/2020/12/IMG_3993.jpg)
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Free Mediumship Readings
FREE READINGS! On April 22nd 2021 I did free readings on Instagram LIVE. I read for 2 hours and had quite a few loved ones from the Other Side step forward. On this episode is 5 readings out of the many readings I did. It felt so good to…
New Lungs New Life
Have you ever wondered if a transplant recipient can feel or sense things from the donor? Do they have new interests or dislikes? Do they have dreams of their donor? Meet Alicia. A cool AF chick who had a double lung transplant. She talks…
Mental Health Check
Did you ever wonder if you felt misunderstood? Maybe you feel as if you should be happy and positive all of the time? WRONGO. Life is filled with joyous days + real sh*t days. Add grief to the mix – you’re going to feel like a raging you know what….
Metaphysical Maven
CRYSTALS. Are they magical rocks? Gems? Do they have special powers that can help you get the good stuff? Magdalena, owner of My Metaphysical Maven, is basically an encyclopedia for Crystals and answers all of your burning questions….
Near Death Experience
Diana talks about her near death experience and it will have your jaw on the mother effin floor. There are two parts to this story and Diana explains it well as each detail plays a part and will all come together in the end! I also read…
Just Do It
0000053A 0000053C 00009F09 00009F32 0012C224 0012C224 00007D13 00007C0C 002E88A7 002E88A7
Who else has wanted to kick themselves in the a$$ because they didn’t “listen to themselves”? Do you find yourself having a hard time deciphering the difference between anxiety thoughts vs intuitive pings? You’re so not alone. I have created a…
Gas Power
I almost just died in my own living room but besides that I talk about my own personal journey of coming off of anti-depressants + birth control and what kind of YEAR 2021 is going to be! 20% off the Collective Consciousness Courses until…
000002FD 000002FE 00008FF9 00008FD8 0006364E 0006364E 00007E41 00007D57 0004CD14 0004CD14
The Healing SHOP
Healing Messages from Above
Oracle Deck
A 44 card Oracle Deck created by internationally renowned Medium Candace Dalton. Healing Messages From Above Oracle Deck is made for those who are grieving and need a validation from Heaven. Choose a card each day to receive a little message!
A perfect gift for yourself or for someone you know in need.