This episode, I have a beautiful couple, Megan & Evan who had a reading with me recently. They were so kind to let me share their reading with you all. Both Megan & Evan have had significant losses and I was able to bring fourth their loved ones with validations & messages. We did this reading through Skype! Join me on January 25th 2020 for an LIVE Online Healing Messages event. More info on website. @HealingGraceThePodcast Private Facebook Group- Healing Grace: The Podcast
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Healing Messages from Above
Oracle Deck
A 44 card Oracle Deck created by internationally renowned Medium Candace Dalton. Healing Messages From Above Oracle Deck is made for those who are grieving and need a validation from Heaven. Choose a card each day to receive a little message!
A perfect gift for yourself or for someone you know in need.