1.4 million on TikTok

Meet Meg. You’re going to fall in love with her. Owner of Tree of Hope Creations and has a following of 1.4 million TikTok! Why may you ask? She and her husband create one of a kind keepsakes from breastmilk to ashes to so much more. But what makes Meg really special is her love behind her work and the story behind how they got started is fascinating.


@the_candacedalton www.candacedalton.com @treeofhopecreations www.treeofhopecreations.com

The Healing SHOP

Healing Messages from Above
Oracle Deck

A 44 card Oracle Deck created by internationally renowned Medium Candace Dalton. Healing Messages From Above Oracle Deck is made for those who are grieving and need a validation from Heaven. Choose a card each day to receive a little message!

A perfect gift for yourself or for someone you know in need.