Girl I’m Dying to Know

Another cool episode of Dying to Know! I have callers from all around the world call my number and leave me a voicemail telling me about a crazy sign from spirit, what their kids heard from the angels or questions about mediumship/ the afterlife! I LOVE when listeners call in and share!  It brings such hope and peace to others. Subscribe & rate this podcast 5 stars for me! @HealingGraceThePodcast Private Facebook Group: Healing Grace The Podcast

The Healing SHOP

Healing Messages from Above
Oracle Deck

A 44 card Oracle Deck created by internationally renowned Medium Candace Dalton. Healing Messages From Above Oracle Deck is made for those who are grieving and need a validation from Heaven. Choose a card each day to receive a little message!

A perfect gift for yourself or for someone you know in need.