Dreams Part 1

Hypnotherapist & co-host of ‘High Vibin’ It’ podcast, Lynnsey Robinson, is the person we’ve been WAITING for to help us understand why we dream & what in the fork do they mean? We have all woken up from some weird dreams, scary dreams or no dreams at all and now, you’ll know why.  Stay tuned for Part 2! Subscribe to this podcast! @lynnseyrobinson www.lynnseyrobinson.com

@healinggracethepodcast www.candacedalton.com facebook.com/mediumcandacedalton

The Healing SHOP

Healing Messages from Above
Oracle Deck

A 44 card Oracle Deck created by internationally renowned Medium Candace Dalton. Healing Messages From Above Oracle Deck is made for those who are grieving and need a validation from Heaven. Choose a card each day to receive a little message!

A perfect gift for yourself or for someone you know in need.