Surprise Readings!

I made some SURPRISE calls and gave away free readings!  I have a private facebook group called, Healing Grace The Podcast (which anyone can join), and I asked my peeps to call me and leave their first name only and their phone number.  I told them which date I’d be calling, and to keep their phones nearby!  With consent, I recorded their readings and here they are!  Do your girl a favor and rate this podcast 5 stars and be sure to subscribe so that YOU are notified when a new episode debuts! @healinggracethepodcast

The Healing SHOP

Healing Messages from Above
Oracle Deck

A 44 card Oracle Deck created by internationally renowned Medium Candace Dalton. Healing Messages From Above Oracle Deck is made for those who are grieving and need a validation from Heaven. Choose a card each day to receive a little message!

A perfect gift for yourself or for someone you know in need.